Kids and Safety
I’ve been trying to figure out a good way to talk with the kids about safety broadly. It’s not that we haven’t talked about it, but I’ve never felt that it’s been adequate for possible experiences.
The Library
While at the library not long ago, a DVD cover popped out and caught my eye. It seemed like it might be a good jumping off place for safety. I was right.
Language and Experiences
This DVD focuses on the internal ‘uh-oh’ feeling that we get when things aren’t right or safe. It explores different situations where that feeling can happen. For example, if we go up to a big diving board and suddenly feel queasy with the ‘uh-oh’ feeling because we’ve realised it’s too high. Or when a stranger offers us candy. Or when we get lost. All these different situations have an ‘uh-oh’ feeling to them, which is language I know my kids understand (well, maybe not Felicity quite yet). The show also reinforced that we are the ‘boss of our bodies’, which is language I much prefer to ‘my body, my choice’ which has such specific and, in my opinion, negative associations in our culture. I’m super glad they steered away from that language.
This show has different storytelling components and a craft included as well. This series appeals to my kids and I’m glad I saw this on the shelf at the library and picked it up. It helps give language that I can reinforce with my kids. Also, it illustrates skills we can use in situations that were shown (eg. remembering the full name and phone number of a parent). It also points out people who are likely a safe adult (cashier at a store, mom with kids). I found it’s a helpful resource in the ongoing work of helping keep our kids safe.
This is a great show to help with the conversation at home. If you’re looking for something that’s a good option for younger kids, I absolutely recommend it.
If anyone has any resources that positively reinforce listening to our instincts for young children, I’m all ears. I’ve had a hard time finding things that are appropriate and at their level. What do you use at home to help in the safety conversation?