Book Thoughts,  food,  Happiness

Happiness is… (vol 28)

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Photo courtesy of James Gorman, another devoted Potterhead in addition to Jacqui and I.
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Post-Potter book read. Approximately 3:45am.

Going to a Harry Potter release party after 9 years since the last one. Have you no doubt: geek am I. But only in regards to dearest Harry, and some LOTR, but that’s another story. Will be posting thoughts on the book in a little while; I figure I should let you few people have a chance at reading it before throwing spoilers at the internet.

The party was fun, they had several game-type things going (Quidditch, card-reading, Hat-Sorting, Crafting (aka Transfiguring). It was quite enjoyable and I even bought myself a Ravenclaw infinity scarf and toque out of it. Gullible I am. Or devoted. Both apply, I think.

Have you the Harry book? Are you finished it?

In other news, my garden is exploding with happy unicorns and rainbows. I did not expect the yields I’m getting and it’s quite delightful.

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Look at the size of this beet! It’s monstrous! All the golden beets were huge!
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Clockwise: sage, beans and a garlic head; basil and raspberries, swiss chard.

We are thoroughly enjoying all the produce and I’m looking forward to enjoying all the beans in the winter when the garden produce has died away.

We are eating basil regularly and it’s still hard to keep up with it. I need to make some pesto. But mozzarella, tomato and basil sandwiches are simply amazing and currently regularly on the menu. The joys of a garden!

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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