First child, First day of School
This year we are homeschooling and Spencer started on September the 1st. We had a bit of a hiccup with the reading program that we are trying but once he realised he was literally only a day away from starting to read small words, he turned that tantrum into love. We’ve been finding the textbook lying about the living room now as he’s taking it out on his own to look ahead. Very thankful for that change.
We are enjoying it, he is loving this engineering for kids box I bought for us to work through. And we read all about space with his National Geographic for Kids book. We also enjoy going for walks and observing what’s happening around us in our neighbourhood. At this point it seems to be going well and we are anticipating watching the Pope in the US this week as part of our education. I love being able to so easily include things like that into our education!
But I have to tell you, folks, his love of all things astronomy is rather huge. He loves talking about it and though the space book is a bit over his head, he sure is absorbing tons. Just ask him what a nebula is. In fact, you could probably ask him how a nebula is formed and he could tell you. I sure didn’t know how one was formed before this book. I’ve been learning tons with it, and he’s such a sponge for this info. I love watching his enthusiasm direct his learning, it’s really encouraging and awe-inspiring.
Things are going well so far for us at the beginning of this journey!

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