Quiet As A Mouse
I’ve been on the silent front over the last week. I’d like to have an amazing reason, like I’ve just won a lottery, or a friend volunteered to watch the kids for a week, or something else that sounds amazing, but I don’t. It appears that it is solely because I haven’t much to say right now.
Hopefully I will soon. We are on the verge of purchasing a better car than the one I’ve been complaining about for the past 8 months, but we aren’t quite there yet. Hoping for before the weekend.
There is a plan in the works for me and the kids that involves said new car.
And, of course, there is the ever-historical and momentous event of this papal election.
I’m sure I’ll be writing again by the end of the week, and I’m finding that occasionally silence is the answer to the question of busy-ness.
New favourite thing to do 
She usually has 3 legs when she wakes up in the morning…