
A Day in the Life

We have had a very full week. Exciting, even. I suppose that’s what happens when people set out to do something and actually get it done, eh? Is that what the outside world does? What’s the word – accu accio accomplishment! That’s it. Apparently we don’t do that sort of thing around here a lot.

IMG_2437Yes, we have mostly accomplished the fence. As Andy said yesterday, we need the gate, and we need to remove the back of the old fence, but in my eyes, we’re basically done (I’ll bet Andy is cringing as he reads that, because that puts the responsibility on him to do the gate. I cop-out.). My next big project is to paint a little corner and put up a wall-mounted desk for the kids’ craft area. Oh, and clean the area first.

IMG_2436No problem, right? And yes, that is a can of tomato paste.

Speaking of cleaning, does anyone else have issues with keeping an area clean? I’m all about trying to get rid of items that are meant for one use but in reality are used to stock pile crap. For instance, we have an ikea-type chair that is meant to hold someone sitting on it. Since moving here, I don’t know if it has ever truly served that purpose. Instead, it holds oceans of miscellany. I keep trying to clean it off, but it’s like a vacuum for junk in a room. Therefore, we are getting rid of it. Well, that’s really only part of the reason. The other part is that we have no room for it. Perhaps that’s why it gets heaped with stuff. The problem I have is this: I’m not confident getting rid of it will solve the mounding issue. I get a glimpse that perhaps the problem rather lies with the responsible people inhabiting the area. Whatever. We’re getting rid of it. It’s a start, right?

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.


  • hawaii52

    How about reuse the old gate or at least the old gate hardware? I also wonder where all the stuff that gets put on the chair will end up once the chair is gone….lol…Yep it’s a start!

  • jane

    We will be reusing the gate hardware, but the gate itself is about a foot short of the new gateway, so that won’t work.

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