Just Thoughts

Words of Wisdom

I don’t claim to have the most interesting or lively blog (my biggest dream seems to be consistency…), but I do like sharing when I have a chance. I am a follower of Kate Wicker’s blog, and she has an encouraging post today about the cycles of being prolific and of down times with blogging.

There will be times I have lots to write about, there will be times I have nothing to write about, and there will be times in which I have a brilliant idea to write about but can’t get it outside of my head and onto the screen (which happens most often). However, it continues to be a work in progress that helps to document our lives, provide a means of reflection on our family’s ordinary life, and support good causes.

If you’re interested in reading the article Kate wrote, follow this link:


Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

One Comment

  • Travis Myrheim

    Hey Jane, that was a good article by Kate. It applies to not just blogging but life! Often we get so caught up in the busyness of life that we quit asking the question, why? If we are not doing things for God, then why bother. Are we doing things just for the sake of doing it?

    God bless and thanks as always!

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