Project Tuesday – a day late :S
My forgetfulness never fails, yet I remain busy as ever! Our project that we did on Monday was the removal of our Christmas items for another year. Monday was our last day of Christmas, and Spencer had already let us know, quite in advance, that it was time to take down the remains of Christmas (ahem…the picture is prior Andy or I starting on it, and quite without encouragement from either of us).
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Hurrah! Apart from a few stragglers (how did that Christmas ornament find its way under the playmat?), we are Christmas-tidied. And now we’re working on the next phase of our year – planning out Lent, mostly. I do love planning it out. I love especially planning our meals.
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Spencer, ever looking for ways to take advantage of situations.
Our plans for this year include celebrating my first niece/nephew on my side of the family, a Couples’ Retreat at Queen’s House, a conference for me in Ottawa, enjoying the journey with my sister-in-law on Andy’s side to the birth of her first child, a trip to Langley for my uncle’s wedding, hoping for a 2 day bike trip towards the end of the summer, and looking forward to making an attempt to have Christmas in BC at my brother’s. Autumn holds the most mystery for me, but I expect it to be just as good!
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Mimicking. Except once the camera comes out, the mitts are promptly thrown onto the floor.
What plans have you made for this dazzling new year?
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