7 Quick Takes Friday
Buying a house is stressful. Add in a mortgage company that sucks and the stress instantly becomes doubled (at least). That sums up the previous week. On the plus side, we now have a mortgage broker who, in two conversations, gave 100% more confidence to Andy and I than anyone at ING had done in 5 days. If we had left it in ING’s hands, I am nearly certain they would have lost the house on us. That, my friends, is a big NO-NO. They will be hearing about it.
Our Cathedral Gala Week was amazing! We had such a great Carnival (Andy and I were on the committee that organised it) that kicked it off, and the events over that week were huge successes! An amazingly busy and successful week of celebrating…this week was supposed to be a week of relaxing for staff…
…So instead of relaxing, Monday afternoon one of the solar-paneled windows (the highest ones in the building), cracked in half and fell to its doom in front of the sanctuary in the worship space. The biggest blessings in this: the space was completely empty when it happened. It wasn’t the actual stained glass that fell, but the clear glass that it’s sandwiched between. So instead of a week off for many of the staff, this required some emergency-situation response from a number of them. I just can’t even imagine how horrible it would have been if it had happened during any of our major celebrations, which ended just the day before! Blessed, truly blessed, that no one was injured at all. While we have a temporary-relief solution at the moment, making the space safe to continue our Masses in (and weddings), it will take awhile to assess and evaluate the state of the rest of the windows to make sure that they are not going to cause the same problem.
I am so glad we’re getting sun again – the week of rain was really dreary. Saying that, I immediately think of some of the places I’ve lived…notably, Vancouver, Prince George, and Ottawa, and I simultaneously realise that I’ve been truly blessed with the amount of sun we get here in Saskatoon over clouds and rain. I still dislike a week of rain.
We own a house. Officially. How crazy is that? I’m still not sure I fully believe it. Though every time I hear the neighbours beside us blast their music (ahem….as in, as I’ve been typing this), I so can’t wait to get out of here. June 22nd baby.
We’re looking for recruits for helping pack. And move. Any takers?
I have been desiring homemade cookies lately, but I’ve hit a significant problem: I don’t have a desire to make them, no matter how simple the recipe is. If anyone’s willing to contribute some homemade cookies to my cause, you would be forever remembered in a post here on my blog.

i would totally make and send cookies but it’s a long way from sacramento, california to saskatoon and with the weather we’re having, i don’t trust the cookies to be ok when they’d get there.
Willing to help over here!!!! *waving* M&G are even away in Regina from the 22nd to the 24th…so I’ll be doubly available. 🙂 Just..uh..remind me?? 🙂