7 Quick Takes Friday
It’s lovely to be back in Ottawa! I’m so thankful to be here, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the things that I missed (poutine!)(buses!). I miss my boys, and I’m sorry that they can’t be here with me. I think they’d enjoy it just as much as I am. My conference starts tonight and I’m looking forward to it being a busy weekend. It’s been great visiting with people I’ve missed!
Providence seems to have struck again. I hadn’t been planning on doing any specific reading for Lent, but I randomly came across the title of an ebook while just looking for good books. So, I downloaded it from the library and have been reading it on this trip. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. It’s called The Rite: The Making of A Modern Exorcist, by Matt Baglio. I just finished it last night and am now working through some of the footnotes. I did a few searches prior to for Catholic reviews of the book, and all the ones I came across were positive about the book. I can see why. This book has been very well written, well documented and researched. The premise is about a priest who travels to Rome, initially for his Sabbatical, then also to attend a course meant to teach those priests selected to become exorcists in their diocese. While taking the course, he also finds an exorcist mentor to be with to learn from his practical experiences.
I feel that there have been 2 main things that this book has opened my eyes to:
1) evil is more than just a general force at work in this world, that there are evil beings of an unseen order that apply themselves to the physical world, sometimes in the form of demonic possession.
2) that prayer, what most of us often simply see as our way to communicate with God, is the force which prevents evil and demons from maintaining its hold on a person or on things. Prayer.
I’m very impressed with the research that went into this book from believers and non-believers alike. I finish with a quote from one of the reviews on amazon, and this quoted quote echoes the message of the book:
Those who doubt the existence of evil and the Devil are reminded in “The Rite” to be mindful of French poet Charles Baudelaire’s philosophic proclamation – “the Devil had finally convinced the world that he no longer existed.”
It rained yesterday. I did not appreciate the rain, even if it was warm. I think I’ve concluded that I’d prefer snow at this time of the year than rain. It’s just so messy.
I am hoping to get some more stocks from the Le Grain de Ble store that is across from St. Paul University. They have an amazing stock of hard to find items (herbs and stuff) that I’m more appreciative of since moving to Saskatoon where there are no stores like this one.
I think I’m gonna have poutine again for lunch today 🙂
I’m also hoping to wander down Bank street to enjoy the scenery. I love all the unique little stores that line the street; I miss the character of this city. I’m still trying to find what the character is of Saskatoon.
Kat and Marc’s dog really stinks in the morning. Marc’s just tried to open a window unsuccessfully. I think I should make getting ready to leave a priority so that I can escape the stench.
For more Quick Takes, check out Jen’s blog http://www.conversiondiary.com/