Hobbies,  Life


I must admit, even though I am far from the snow-pelting west, and even though all we have to show for a mid-spring winter storm is sleet and much rain, I am anxiously awaiting the bright sun and warmer temperatures again. I am itching to be outside more, to find more activities to be outside for, and to go on nice, long walks while a warm spring’s wind rustles through my hair. Alas this rain. Alas this cold, cold wind.

I have a new project that I’m excited for and will be starting this week: a summer/beach/swim bag! A few years back I inherited my grandmother’s sewing machine; it has finally been repaired over the course of the last month, and now sits in our spare room, neatly tucked away in its own bench-home, waiting to be used. I read a blog called Soule Mama and she mentioned in a post (a very long time ago) a bag that she absolutely loved for its ability to basically hold the world in. She referenced the sewing book she used, found it in our library, and have now borrowed it and found the bag she made. So, I have my material, I have my instructions, I just need to thread that machine and start sewing. Yikes! Last time I sewed anything was Gr. 12 for both my textiles class as well as my grad dress. Looking at my calendar, that was not just a couple years ago anymore (as I keep thinking to myself), and I’m finding that I’ve lost a lot of my basic understandings of reading sewing instructions. Well, there’s nothing for it anymore except to start something, so tomorrow I will venture to figure out what I’m to do with the material (having washed it tonight). Wish me luck. I’m hoping it’ll be something fun rather than forbidding 🙂

Wishing you a great Palm Sunday, and hoping that your Holy Week starts out well!

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Trying to look like his mummy

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Lost his sock and pants while playing…

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Why is avocado everywhere?

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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