Recipe Thursday
Whew what a busy week! We’re nearly done the initial move into the Cathedral. Now we have Christmas Hamper organising and delivering left at the old place and *poof* we’re done. Then we’ll be moving on to settling into the new space and working out the kinks in the systems. What an adventure!
Last week I pulled this classic out of my recipe book and I still love it! Simple and easy to make. Enjoy!
Chicken with Fresh Tomato Sauce (no idea where I got this 10 years ago)
1 tsp Olive oil
4 Chicken breasts
2 tsp rosemary, chopped
1/2 tsp salt
1 large shallot, minced
1 clove garlic, minced
3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
6 plumb (roma) tomatoes, diced
1/4 cup chicken broth/stock
1/4 cup basil, chopped
- sprinkle both sides of chicken with rosemary and salt; saute in skillet until browned and cooked; remove to covered plate
- add shallot & garlic to pan and saute, add vinegar and cook until evaporated, add tomatoes and broth, bring to boil
- reduce and simmer until tomatoes are soft
- stir in basil, spoon over chicken and serve
- I don’t often have chicken breasts, so I used chicken thighs and it still works like a charm
- I don’t often have shallots, so I used a small onion and increased the garlic some
- I made this into a cook-it-all-together type meal. This means that after cooking the chicken until mostly done (6-10 min), I kept the chicken in the pan and continued with the recipe. I found it helped the flavour permeate the chicken more.
What have you had recently that’s been tasty?