Hobbies,  Kids,  Life

Pouring Rain

Today was an exercise in staying dry. It has been pouring all day today, and it’s been rather dreary trying to do things that I enjoy (like going to mom’s group) when it’s so miserable outside. However, venture out is what Spencer and I did, and we definitely got wet, but at least he was warm. I should have thought more ahead and brought gloves or mitts with me – the wind made the water on my hands nearly freeze. Why I decided to walk from the bus station to moms’ group instead of waiting for the bus on this cold day is still beyond me. However, Easter is nearly upon us so thoughts of our Mexican Fiesta week are keeping me warm through this nasty weather.

Spencer may be pushing a new tooth through. On the bus home he was inconsolable for periods of time, and while I knew he was tired (overdue for a nap), it wasn’t the typical I’m-tired-and-can’t-sleep type crying. So while he was screaming I tried to get a look into his mouth to see if there were any new reddish-pink gums. He did have a little bit of white underneath his gums on his top right side and it looks like it might be trying to come through (slowly). Poor boy. Tired + pain = not a great bus ride. At least until he fell asleep.

I have my sewing machine back and I notice that I sure feel gleeful whenever I think about making my bag. What a great feeling! So, the problem could have been me or it could have been the machine. At this point, I’m leaning towards me. Thankfully the repair person left some thread threaded through the machine and I saw that I had not been threading it right in the tension area, which means that no matter what I would have done to adjust the tension, it wouldn’t have worked (which is what I thought the problem was). So, lesson learned. All I can say is this: the pictures for the manual and the instructions (printed sometime in the 60s, I’m sure) are not clear for this area and I was attempting to go from memory, mostly. And I failed. Ah well. I sure learned a lot about tension, that’s for sure.

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Spencer with his new do (and eating some very tasty pasta & meatballs).

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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