It began in such a small, seemingly insignificant act of a child being born. Through such an ordinary act of life, we have come to know love; real and true love. It is this knowing of real love, the kenosis, which I feel provides the means for hope. For it would seem hopeless for God to come to earth and become us, except that it happened. If such an extra-ordinary act can happen, surely such other acts of love, of joy, of hope, are within reach of those of us who believe that such infinite love and hope can exist in our finite (limited) world.
Hope: For Christmas Santa got Spence a glow worm. We hope it will help him to fall asleep more peacefully.
Love: We are loving being with family for Christmas; it has been much blessed with wonderful people with whom we can share this great celebration.
Joy: We are finding joy in the simplicity of Christmas – no big tokens, no need to go anywhere, just to simply be.
Merry Christmas everyone!

One Comment
Travis Myrheim
Joy – just to simply be. I like that! I’m in Calgary. No schedule, I’m just going to be. God bless your Christmas you krazy Korvemaker’s! May Christ’s birth continue to bring you peace!