Kids,  Life,  news

He’s Walking!

Big news, straight from the little squirt himself: the boy can walk! It might be only 5-6 steps, and he may still prefer crawling, but he certainly is enjoying the encouragement we give when he walks a distance. It happened mostly yesterday while we were picnicking on Parliament Hill when he decided ‘hey, I can not only stand, but I can walk too!’ I got some photos of him doing just that (they may not be great..). So far, he has been starting by holding my hand to get up and going, then he drops my hand and goes on his own. It’s been quite the excitement for us! I think I feel ready for him to walk. I felt unready for him to crawl, and now that I’ve gotten over that, I feel more prepared this time mentally for this. I will miss him crawling and speeding off at great speed on his hands and knees (which has been very cute), but this is an exciting adventure for sure.

He is pushing another tooth through on the bottom right side as well. I only found the little white nub when he was crying really hard after hitting his face on something or other. He hasn’t shown any signs of discomfort from it yet, but I’m glad I know it’s there for when that does happen. It saves me becoming frustrated trying to figure out what’s wrong.

Please forgive the lack of his walking photos – our site apparently thinks those are the ones that deserve to be denied being uploaded. Working on fixing the problem. If you’re on facebook, you might be able to see them there.

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Our picnic grounds

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There’s a small blue dot in the distance of this picture – that’s how far he crawled in less than a minute.

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A majority Conservative government?! Noooooooo!!!!

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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