food,  Hobbies,  Recipes

Busy As Bees

Except that we are not making honey. Though I like honey.

Darryl has been with us as a great guest this past week and will be heading home tomorrow. We did manage to go to Calypso Water Park on Monday, which turned out to be a great idea. It was expensive, but when one is able to spend the whole day there, it sure feels much more worth it.

Tomorrow’s ‘This Moment’ post will be the last for awhile. Our main computer (from which I do all my updates) will be in storage until we can find a place to rent (much harder than we had hoped!) and get settled; I am hoping to update sporadically from our tiny powerhouse laptop, but I do not guarantee much in content or pictures (though now that I think of it, have I ever guaranteed content?).

Wednesday I had my last Mom’s Group, which was a really nice laid back morning. Farewell to all you ladies and your babes! If you chance by Saskatoon….(Sarah, see you next week!)…let me know!

And since today is Recipe Thursday, though I have no recipe to share, I do have, quite literally, some food for thought:

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Have a good week!

[singlepic id=1205 w=320 h=240 float=center]
Water Parking!

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Kat & I were on this tube

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A most excellent day!

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.


  • Adam

    But isn’t WordPress a web based CMS where you can post updates from anywhere you have non-censored connection to the Internet and a computer.

    Just saying….

  • jane

    Yeah, but I store all our pictures on our main computer. I don’t like having to double my work in relocating them at a later time. And we’ll be pretty busy what with re-orienting our lives a bit… 🙂

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