
Ugly Monday

Today is Monday, and it is ugly outside. Freezing rain most of last night and rain rain rain all day today.
Andy and I went to see the first installment of the last Harry Potter movie on Saturday. I enjoyed it decently. Unfortunately they decided to eliminate two close calls that Voldemort had in catching Harry, which really add a lot of drama to the plot, and so by the end I felt very ‘meh’. It was dark, yes. Edge-of-my-seat-anticipation? Not a chance. Did they include things from the book that, were it one movie instead of two, they could have cut out? Yes, and I did appreciate that. I also appreciated the humour throughout the movie and felt it was well placed. Definitely would like to see it again, but not at full theatre price. Once it gets to the cheap theatres I think I might be interested in seeing it again.
Spencer is busy climbing up everything he can manage. He definitely appreciates the broader spectrum of areas he can access when he is standing. We are still in the process of trying to eliminate clutter so that he doesn’t ‘accidentally’ hurt himself or ruin something important.
Here are some pictures from the past few days:
November 17th: Climbing up couches. I have a set of photos of his progress of movement from the floor to standing in the ‘One A Day’ gallery if you want to see more.
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November 19th: Spencer’s ‘Where’s Waldo?’ pants; popular last week.
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November 21st: Dinner time!
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Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.


  • Adam

    He seems pretty proud of himself standing up in that first picture. And maybe a hint of, “Holy crap, I’m actually standing. Wow! This is so cool” also.

  • Adam

    I think a certain website is feeling neglected because of lack of updates.

    Its okay ajk2.ca, I still come to you hoping for a update on you. Maybe one day it will happen.

  • Adam

    Ooh and fyi, it looks like is you edit your html and add a “/#comment” on the end of your link to the continue reading, you can shoot people right down to the comments. Then if you wanted, you could copy that link from the Continue Reading link up to the comment number and have the comment number clickable. and take you directly to the comments. 😀

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