
Struggles and Joys

Well, even though I am sometimes not doing this every day, at least I’m trying to do it by the next day 🙂

Yesterday was Father’s Day, and apart from the carpet cleaning and the times when Spencer was seriously stressing me out, I think Andy was able to have a decently relaxing day. Unfortunately he didn’t get to sleep in, as I feel completely non-responsive when Spencer wakes up with gas between 5-7am. Oh well. Andy did get to play video games most of the afternoon, though. I was able to go shopping and finish up Andy’s gift (wrapping chocolate 🙂 ), and Spencer was extremely good most of the day. Then 4:30 hit, and apparently he had been good enough. The rest of the evening was tricky.

In other news, yesterday Spencer tried his exer-saucer for the second time, and this time he loved it. I can’t believe how grown up he looks when he spins himself around, mobilizing himself without any of our help, engaging himself in the world around him by his own accord (sniff). This is a big thing for me, apparently. Alas, it won’t be the first. I’m very glad he enjoys it so much, as it also gives me more time to do other things while he’s happily engaged, playing by himself.

That’s about all the news. Today will be very low key, as I need to do laundry before I feel I can properly go outside for long periods of time.  I have two books waiting for me at the library regarding infants and sleep patters and habits, so I’m looking forward to reading them. Oh, and there’s also a DVD for infant & mommy yoga. Should be an adventure.

Just a reminder – if you want more photos, I do keep updating his gallery as well; I take more than one photo per day, and the ones I don’t use I put into his gallery.

So, today’s picture is of Spencer in his excer-saucer, right before he had a huge grin on his face that I couldn’t capture.

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Yesterday’s picture is Spencer in between big huge pouts that we think are so cute. I have yet to catch a good pout on camera.

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Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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