November 15th
We had a wonderful weekend full of joy and happiness at Andy’s 33rd birthday. We had supper at his cousin’s place Saturday night, and he was baked a cake. That was grand. Sunday we tried a new parish (joy joy joy!) and went for brunch at some friends’ place, and we had a cake, and that was grand as well.
Andy may have received a new watch that has the major constellations on it that can be timed by the day and hour. He seems to think it works well enough. And he also received a bottle of wine, which he proceeded to thoroughly enjoy. And also he received a couple Starbucks cards, which he also enjoyed a treat from yesterday.
Tonight we had a friend over for dinner and she brought a cake as well (though she didn’t know it had been his birthday when she brought it). We’ve had a grand weekend.
I have some photos from the weekend, but I’ll have to put them up tomorrow; the camera got left in the car after an adventure and hasn’t been brought back up since.
Today’s photo is of Spencer standing by the coffee table. A feat he managed all by his onesie for the first time ever.
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