Today while Andy was holding Spencer as I measured clothes to see if the size would fit him, he gave us his first real laugh. That means a fairy has been born somewhere! (See the movie Hook for context). It was so cute, but because I smiled at him so intently, he became scared and changed his happy & laughing look to a concerned and furrowed brows look. Hopefully I didn’t scare him off laughing, because I really would love to hear it again!
In other news, we’re cleaning our carpets. I have this plan for our living room, which includes our computer being in it, but before we went to the major trouble of moving the desk and everything with it, I wanted the carpets to be cleaned.
The reason for this is that, unfortunately, we are messy people, and I am well aware of the dirt we have either tracked in, spilled, or ground into the carpet. With Spencer crawling and eating everything (including the carpet) in the near future, I wanted to make sure that we gave it as good a cleaning as we could while we could. So, they’re in the midst of being cleaned. Of what we’ve managed to clean so far, it’s a very good thing we’re in the business of cleaning them. So, that’s been our adventure today. And it will be tomorrow too. Soccer will be playing on the computer while this is being done, that is for sure :). When I asked Spencer who he will be cheering for in the Brazil/Ivory Coast game, he said he’d tell me tomorrow. Alas, if you, too, were wondering, you will have to wait.
Spencer’s picture today is of Andy reading him Green Eggs & Ham.
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