

Spencer was incredibly wonderful today. Apart from a couple meltdowns, he was great, and I am thrilled by it. I think a big part of that has to do with him sleeping through the night again – he slept 8 hours last night, which is much closer to what he had been sleeping prior to his bad week. Yay! Hoping that continues, for his sake and for mine.

Apart from that, we had our friend Jen over for supper tonight, which was really nice. She loves holding Spencer, and we love her for it :-). It was just a nice, relaxing evening…for all of us, I think (apart from a couple Spencer meltdowns).

And in other news, Spencer has learned a new sound: ‘b’. He does this by sticking his tongue out and making a noise with it. I can’t write it out, but it’s definitely cute. I got a bit of video of it, but if I can get something better, then I’ll put it up on facebook. Anyway, here’s a picture of him doing his new sound (by the way, I’m also updating the Spencer gallery with a few new ones).

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Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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