
4 Months, 6 Days

Today has been a bit of an adventure. In the middle of the night, I experienced the nasty effect of food poisoning. Lasting roughly from 1:30am-6am (the worst of it, at any rate), it wasn’t pleasant, and I wasn’t able to feed Spencer. Yuck. I’m so glad that Andy is so helpful. I am doing much better now, and am hoping to have a rootbeer this evening :).

As promised, here is the photo of the day.

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Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.


  • Jacquie Ollenberger

    Jane, I loved reading your blog. I sort of happened on it looking at Megan’s Facebook comment about surviving the first night with Connor, and it took me right back 26 years to how frightening it was to spend our first night home with Brian 🙂 Your Spencer is adorable, and I promise some day you will sleep again. And then before you know it you’ll be lying sleepless waiting for him to get home!

  • jane

    Hello Jacquie, and thank you! Andy and I are keenly aware of what Megan and Brian might be going through right now; we’re praying for the best for them! It’s quite stressful the first month or so!

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