130, 131, 132, 133
Oops, well I’ve dropped the ball for a few days here, but I’ve picked it up again 🙂
It has been busy and a number of different things have been going on, most excitedly, Tim and Cheryl got married Saturday evening!! Great celebration! We didn’t get back last night until past midnight, which partially had to do with it being a little bit of a drive north into Quebec, and I must say, it was an absolutely beautiful area, which I would love to go back and visit. Congrats to Tim & Cheryl!!
So today Spencer decided to let one loose. He has been a little pent up with poo for the past week, and this morning he decided to let loose. It got messy, as apparently the diapers aren’t meant to hold one week’s worth of poo. We think that Andy was able to get the stain out of the carpet. We’ll have to check back on that one. It did, thankfully, come out of my pants and Spencer’s onesie. Such adventures in parenting.
Anyway, here are the pictures from the past several days. Hope you enjoy them!
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Spencer during his evening meal today. One of his many burping opportunities.
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Yesterday at the wedding, Spencer had a firm handle on Andy and his misbehaviour.
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From the wedding rehearsal – taken with my phone, as we forgot the camera.
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Thursday, day 130.