It’s Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas…
It may have been over a month since we updated, but that just means we’ve been extra-busy. Right? Well, we haven’t been short of adventures, at any rate. There has been a lot that’s happened, especially in the last couple of weeks here.
We’ve pretty much finished Christmas shopping for Andy’s side of the family. That was in part because we knew we’d be in Regina last weekend for Walter’s wedding, and we could bring as many as possible at that time. Just a few stocking stuffers left, and we’ll have half the Christmas shopping done!
Last week (Nov 4th, to be exact), I had an unfortunate event with a step-ladder and rolled my ankle terribly. It has mostly healed now, it’ll just take time for it to recover fully. The doctor did, however, tell me not to work for 2 days, which took me to Friday, which I had already taken off from work to head to Regina for Walter’s wedding. So, though I was in pain, I also had almost a week off (we came back on Monday and I worked Tuesday) in total. The wedding went well, lots of family, tons of food (and leftovers!), and a very nice visit. On the way home we had freezing rain on the roads up to Davidson; we didn’t go more than 80 km that whole stretch, and there were both cars and semis that looked like they had skidded out. A little scary, but the sun had warmed the roads past that, so it was nicer to drive after.
Once we returned, I worked for 2 days before getting the flu, which I’m still fighting, so that took me out Thursday and Friday, and mostly today too. Hopefully I’ll be better by Monday, I hate feeling so useless lying around.
Andy had his 31st birthday on Friday, which was a great occasion! I made him pancakes for breakfast, he got some cards and a couple nice books to keep him occupied, and some money to take him closer to his goal of having a Nokia N810 (his new toy he’s saving for). The staff at the Star of the North here had a little birthday celebration for him with cake and ice cream, and that was also really nice. Then he worked for some sisters in the city trying to fix their computer systems for the afternoon. We ended the day on a note of roast chicken, Strange Brew (the movie), and some popcorn. It was a good day :). I enjoyed it, even if my energy kept depleting on me. Andy says he did too. And now he’s started his 32nd year of life.
So those have been our adventures these past couple of weeks. Apart from that, we’ve started making our Christmas cards for this year, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Katie, we’ve started looking at investing with Investor’s Group (so that maybe I could have an RRSP), and Heather (Andy’s sister) is coming to visit us in less than a month! We’re keeping busy, but keeping well.
That’s about it from us right now. Andy’s said he’s contemplating writing another post on computer-stuffs soon, so hopefully you’ll hear from him too!
[img_assist|nid=34|title=More bread creations|desc=|link=node|align=center|width=100|height=75][img_assist|nid=35|title=Thanksgiving Hedgehog buns|desc=|link=node|align=center|width=100|height=75]
[img_assist|nid=36|title=Heather playing for the wedding|desc=|link=node|align=center|width=75|height=100][img_assist|nid=37|title=Waiting to leave the church|desc=|link=node|align=center|width=100|height=75][img_assist|nid=38|title=The Siblings|desc=|link=node|align=center|width=100|height=75][img_assist|nid=39|title=The happy couple|desc=|link=node|align=center|width=75|height=100][img_assist|nid=40|title=Andy and I|desc=|link=node|align=center|width=75|height=100][img_assist|nid=41|title=Andy and the ‘few|desc=|link=node|align=center|width=75|height=100]