Fun and Games with the Korvemakers
Maybe you can relate: sleep deprived and a never-ending list of things on the ‘To Do’ list. How do you cope?
Apparently the way that Andy and I cope, we just sit around and do nothing. Which, obviously, means that we don’t get things done. At that point, we either end up staying up too late trying to do the essentials (aw crap, we need sandwich containers for lunch!), or end up taking food that is usually less healthy than homemade meals. Where does the energy go?
Anyway, the Barenaked Ladies (BNL) came up with a song some time ago that seems to relate well to our sleeplessnesses, called ‘Who Needs Sleep?’ (lyrics). So, if anyone else has ever had this cycle happen in their lives, I’m sure you’ll be able to appreciate the song :).
So my brother had a party on the weekend, and everyone danced and sang. That was mostly after a couple glasses of wine. Oh, and he has a wife now instead of a fiancee. Congrats, dude, on becoming old once again. It was such an awesome time, and everyone of the family was there, including the ‘sutherners’ from Cincinnati , Ohio. They’re quite the rowdy bunch, it seems. It was a beautiful day, and there were beautiful people everywhere, and Adam & Myrica made sure that every moment had a picture to go with it (mum says the pics look great too, btw dude). And it’s a story better told with those pictures too, apparently. Adam, bug Andy to figure out the pictures on this site so we can post a few. And that’s that.
On the other hand, Darryl had a cold when he came to Prince George. Happily, he was feeling much better by the time we were driving back to Edmonton. Unhappily, both Andy and I became sick. So far Andy’s faring better than I on the recovery, but I’ll beat it down. I just can’t stand the runny nose.
And vacation! Woo hoo! We leave in less than 10 days! I’m very excited, and holy crap do we have a lot of sorting and packing to do. Gah! What was I thinking – only a week! Well, that’s our vice – a la manyana. I hate the stress of leaving it to the last minute. I guess it’s back to the ole avoiding-the-to-do-list….wait….there isn’t any ‘going back’ right now, is there? This post is one of the many avoidance schemes. Ah well, hope you’re all doing well and doing better at avoiding procrastinating (ha – avoiding procrastinating!)