It’s Nice Here
G’Day everyone!
I am now in Victoria! The Brock’s have graciously accepted to host me for just over a week while I’m here, then I’ll be going over to my aunt & uncle’s place for a couple days before heading back to Edmonton.
Today is a beautiful day outside. Couple days ago I went for a nice walk to downtown Vic yesterday, met my aunt & uncle for lunch (which was tasty), went for a walk with Judy & their dog Cocoa at Mystic Vale (really nice), watches Katie & Simon (cousins) run a track meet (and as far as I’m aware, Katie and her team are going to provincials for the 4x100m race, so that’s exciting), and had a nice evening.
Yesterday I did some more wandering downtown. I looked into renting a scooter, but they cost $59.99/day, and even with a discount, it turns out to be $180 for 3 days, which is way more than I feel like paying for one of those things. If I rent one, it’ll be for an hour or so, maybe. I sorted out some AAA stuff for my medical coverage. OH! If any of you are aware how long it takes to become a resident of Alberta and what needs to be done to get in on the Alberta medical care stuff, that would be helpful.
Today at St. Andrew’s (Catholic) High School, they had something called ‘Turn Around Day’ which for you O’Gers was like our Christmas & year end half-day dealies with skits, talent shows and, of course, a slide show. They have a few talks going on, though, which we never had at O’G. And a guest speaker. It’s the guy who’s doing the Youth Conference here this weekend. Interesting theology. If I remember at a later date, I might discuss some of the things he said in conversation when he was here at the Brock’s for dinner yesterday.
So, today was good, still have the Youth Conference starting tonight at 8. Looking forward to doing more! That’s about the best update I can give right now, so hope things are well with you guys!
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