A Change in the Winds…
This Lent Andy and I had a chance to do some praying and thinking. We were able to start Lent off by doing an Engaged Encounter, in which we had the opportunity to do some planning for our future as a married couple.
One of the things that arose from that was the question of where we felt we could best live and do ministry as a couple. Some significant events have occurred during my time here at Our Lady of Fatima parish to make it feel that it was worth bringing to prayer to discern together. We chose Lent to take time to discern, just as last year we did the same, and felt called to become engaged. We have come to a decision now about this, and I will be moving back up to Canada at the end of April. My last day of work here will be April 22nd. Andy is flying down on the 26th, and we will be driving up to Canada through Las Vegas (woohoo!), Nevada, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Great Falls, Montana. We’re looking to be back in Edmonton for the installation of the new bishop, and we’re working things out for the rest of the time before our wedding.
Thanks for all the support you’ve been for us, and I’m really really looking forward to being back among my own :).
