
Nearly There

Tomorrow is the start of the L.A. Religious Education Congress (though it’s actually in Anaheim, which is a different county), and Anthony (a dude from the parish) and I are heading over there bright and really early, as the opening liturgy starts at 8:30am, I think, and it’s a good 40 minute drive when there’s barely any traffic. But at that early in the morning, it’s bound to be longer than that. Though I’m really excited to go. So long as I don’t forget my program tickets. That would really suck.

Not much else going on at the moment other than that (and that’s a pretty big thing). I hear a paper is due at NTC today, so hopefully not many were burnt out writing papers on healthy lifestyles (it’s the counselling class that has it due). Cause that’s kinda ironic, really.

Anyway, I gotta head out to my chiropractic appointment, and then to work. I get to clean the office today! Tomorrow we’re getting the couch, so there needs to actually be room for it…


Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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