One Week!
Good day, all you amazing people!
It is just one week until the major release of the sixth book in the Harry Potter series: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Here’s some interesting news that’s been collected over this last week:
A Bid For Harry Potter’s Green Fans, where conservationists and environmental groups are urging American fans to order their Harry books through the Canadian Publisher, Raincoast Books, as Scholastic Inc., the American publishers, do not endorse 100% recyclued paper use in its printing of the books. Yay Canada!
Yesterday, Amazon.com released it’s top 25 list of best-seller books, and, unsurprisingly, JK Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince took top spot. That’s not much of a surprise, though, as it’s been working its way up for the past month or so, as I understand it.
That’s about all the amazing H-BP news so far. There were released a couple new pictures regarding the back cover art, which are intriguing to say the least.
Other than that, nothing much has been happening. I have some pictures from camp that I’ll upload to my webpage as soon as I can get my Fizzing Whizzbee hooked up to the internet. Teen Camp was really amazing, though we didn’t have as many sunsets as I would have liked. I climbed mount Pope! A whole 6km of upward steepness..well, minus 2km of roughly flatness, but it was a painful climb. Totally worth it, though! Just wait ’til I get the photos up – you’ll see what I mean. Absolutely stunning 360 degree view of the area. Beautiful! Camp Morice is totally the place to go in the summer, no doubts.
Anyways, that’s about it. Only *checks clock* 6 days and roughly 6 hours left, people. Keep up the anticipation!